Sunday, March 28, 2010

Round 2

It is coming ... Later on today I'll suscribe the team, first round starts Tuesday next week. Drop a comment and let us know if you can play.

Update: A nasty flaw was well spotted by Opinel, only 5 teams have been entered and we're bye in the first round. So I have to renew the question, but for the week after that.

Update 2: We'll be playing RockOn with white, which means our first board has the white pieces. So that's: Opinel (white), Bibbusque? (black), BPaulsen (white) and darkiest (black). Pairings will be up next Tuesday at 1900 server time, which for Europeans means you can start scheduling Wednesday morning.

The games & comments (from watchbot):
Opinel 1-0 AlefZero
Nickychess 0-1 Bibbusque
BPaulsen 1-0 Albido
Funkmaus 1/2-1/2 darkiest


  1. I can play if necessary, drinkeh.

  2. From the forum I assume Opinel and BPaulsen are playing as well. So now if just Bibbusque confirms, we have our strongest setup ready to play.
